Assistant Master Data Specialist
(English version below)
Supply Chain Support & Development
Vil du arbejde i en global virksomhed med fokus på dekarbonisering? Har du erfaring inden for produktion, master data og med opbygning af ruter og styklister? Kan du tænke dig at være med til, at sikre rettidig levering af vores produktion af 175D motor og propeller?
Vi søger én Assistant Master Data Specialist med arbejdssted i Frederikshavn. Lyder det som noget for dig, så hører vi gerne fra dig.
Du vil spille en vigtig rolle
Du skal:
- Være bindeled mellem salgsafdelingerne og produktionen i både Frederikshavn og Augsburg
- Oprette, vedligeholde og konvertere produktions ordre i SAP, i forskellige klienter
- Vedligeholde materialers master data i SAP
- Opbygge styklister og ruter i SAP
- Behandle tekniske meddelsser fra Engineering og sikre at ændringer er implementeret i igangværende produktionsordrer
Vi forestiller os, at du
- Er uddannet produktionstekniker eller tilsvarende
- Har kendskab og erfaring med produktionsplanlægning
- Har kendskab til SAP-produktions masterdata - vedligeholdelse er en fordel (materialer, styklister, ruter, workcenter)
- Er analytisk stærk
- Er god til engelsk i skrift og tale
- Er selvstændig, serviceminded og løsningsorienteret
Som Assistant Master Data Specialist for 175D og Propeller får du en bred kontaktflade med både kollegaer i Frederikshavn og i Augsburg. Som en del af teamet samarbejder du bl.a. tæt med Produktion og Lager i Frederikshavn, og i Augsburg, hvor din opgave bliver at være bindeled mellem motor/propeller salg og produktion. Opgaverne bliver at behandle forskellige workflows i SAP, og opbygning af master data for produktionslinjen. Tillige vil der være en del mails og koordination til andre planlægningsværktøjer som skal behandles dagligt.
Velkommen til Master Data
Området Master Data består i dag af 7 personer i Frederikshavn og København, og du vil få 2 primære kollegaer, som i dag sidder med Master Data for 175D og Propeller. Afdelingen har snitflader til hele forsyningskæden i MAN DK og DE. Vi servicerer kunder over hele verden i tæt samarbejde med salg, indkøb, produktion, operations og andre interne interessenter.
Tonen i Master Data, og i hele afdelingen, er uformel, åben og ærlig. Fokus på fakta og ordentlighed og ikke mindst humor vægter meget i teamet.
Kom med på rejsen mod en CO2-neutral fremtid
Vi tilbyder dig muligheden for at forme morgendagens verden - uanset om du lige er startet, tager dine første karriereskridt efter eksamen eller leder efter den næste store karriereudfordring.
Hos MAN Energy Solutions fokuserer vi på mangfoldighed og lighed for at skabe en kreativ og inkluderende kultur. Vi tror på, at en mangfoldig arbejdsstyrke med en blanding af køn, nationaliteter og perspektiver vil drive innovation, kreativitet og produktivitet. Vi er engagerede i vores medarbejderes trivsel, og du får mulighed for at deltage i forskellige sociale aktiviteter fra yoga og fiskeri til kreative klubber.
Vi prioriterer work-life balance med mulighed for fleksible arbejdstider, hjemmekontor og mental trivsel herunder sundhedsforsikring og fokus på arbejdsklima. Her har du mulighed for vækst, udvikling og mentorskab. Hos MAN Energy Solutions kan du skabe, drive, bygge og være med til at forbedre innovative energiløsninger, samtidig med at du opnår dine personlige karrieremål.
Om MAN Energy Solutions
- 250 års erfaring inden for avanceret teknologi
- Vi leverer en unik portefølje af teknologier og muligheder inden for udvikling af motorer til brug på skibe og kraftværker over hele kloden
- Vi arbejder ud fra mottoet "Future in The Making", fordi vi gør en dyd ud af at skabe bæredygtige løsninger og bidrager til en CO2-neutral økonomi
- Vi har over 15.000 medarbejdere på verdensplan. I Danmark er vi 2.200 passionerede medarbejdere med mere end 40 nationaliteter
Skab din egen fremtid
Send din ansøgning inden fredag d. 28. februar 2025. Vi afholder interviews i løbet af ansøgningsperioden. Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte Department Manager Lea Lassen på telefon 24 83 85 66.
Mere information om MAN Energy Solutions findes på
Hos MAN Energy Solutions stræber vi efter en inkluderende og fair rekrutteringsproces for vores jobansøgere baseret på lige muligheder. Vi opfordrer derfor alle kvalificerede kandidater uanset køn, alder, religion, handicap og etnisk baggrund til at søge denne stilling. Derfor bedes du undlade at vedhæfte et foto til dit CV eller ansøgning. Desuden vil hjælpeværktøjer være tilgængelige efter behov for eksempel for ordblindhed.
Supply Chain Support & Development
Are you a talented individual who is ready to develop cutting-edge and innovative technology? Are you interested in making the future? Would you like to contribute to the global green transition and are you looking to join a team that makes a lasting impact developing the world’s largest combustion engines of the future? – Then we might have just the spot for you!
Do you have experience in production, master data and building routes and bills of materials? Would you like to help ensure timely delivery of our production of 175D engine and Propeller production?
We are looking for one Assistant Master Data Specialist for our site in Frederikshavn.
At MAN Energy Solutions we turn cutting-edge technology into solutions that play a vital role in decarbonizing the world. We are the global market leader of energy efficient and fuel flexible large marine engine systems. And we aim at engineering systems for deep decarbonization in the sectors that matter the most. This requires new knowledge and skill. We are looking for a new talented colleague with interests in control systems to join us on our journey.
You will play an important role in:
You will:
- Be a link be link between Sales, Fleet/order management, IT and Production, in both Augsburg and Frederikshavn
- Create, maintain, and convert production orders in SAP
- Maintain materials master data in SAP
- Maintain production orders in SAP
- Build BOMs and routes in SAP
- Process Technical messages from Engineering
We imagine that you:
- Graduated in production techniques or similar
- Knowledge and experience with production planning
- Knowledge of SAP production master data maintenance is an advantage (Materials, BOMs, routes, work center)
- Strong analytic skilled
- Good English skills in writing and speaking
- Independent, service-minded and solution-oriented
As Assistant Master Data Specialist for 175D and Propeller you will have a broad contact area with both colleagues in Frederikshavn and in Augsburg. As part of the team, you will collaborate closely with Production, Warehouse, IT and Fleet/Order management in Frederikshavn and Augsburg. The tasks will be to process various workflows in SAP and build master data for the production line. There will also be a lot of emails and coordination with other planning tools that must be processed daily.
Welcome to Master Data
The Master Data area currently consists of 7 people in Frederikshavn and Copenhagen, and you will have 2 primary colleagues, who currently work with Master Data for 175D and Propeller. The department has interfaces to the entire supply chain in MAN DK and DE. We serve customers all over the world in close collaboration with sales, purchasing, production, operations and other internal stakeholders.
The tone in Master Data, and in the entire department, is informal, open, and honest. Focus on facts and propriety and not least humor is very important in the team.
Unleash your potential: Join us towards a carbon-neutral future
We offer you an opportunity to help shape the world of tomorrow – whether you are just starting out, taking your first career steps after graduation, or looking for the next big career challenge.
At MAN Energy Solutions, we focus on diversity and equality to create a creative and inclusive culture. We believe that a diverse workforce with a mix of gender, nationalities, and perspectives will drive innovation, creativity and productivity. We are committed to our employees’ well-being, and you will have the opportunity to join different social activities from yoga and fishing to creative clubs.
We prioritize work-life balance, offering flexible working hours, the possibility of working from home, and mental well-being including health insurance and focus on work atmosphere. Here you have opportunities for growth, development, and mentorship.
At MAN Energy Solutions, you can create, drive, build, and be a part of improving innovative energy solutions while achieving your personal career goals.
About MAN Energy Solutions
- 250 years of experience in advanced engineering
- We deliver a unique portfolio of technologies and opportunities in the development of engines for use on ships and in power plants across the globe
- We operate under the motto "Future in The Making" as it reflects our dedication to developing sustainable solutions and actively contributing to a carbon-neutral economy
- We have over 15,000 employees worldwide. In Denmark, we are 2,200 passionate employees with more than 40 nationalities
Build your own future
Please submit your application to us no later than Friday the 28th February 2025. We will conduct interviews during the application period. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Department Manager Lea Lassen by phone 24 83 85 66.
More information about the company can be found at
Relocating to Denmark is a major step for our new international colleagues. To support this transition, we offer several initiatives, including Spouse Days to help build a strong cross-cultural network within MAN Energy Solutions, as well as Danish language courses based on individual proficiency levels. Furthermore, we offer intercultural training tailored to the countries and regions we collaborate with, as well as global mindset training for all employees and managers. This is to promote a collaborative and inclusive work environment. Our mobility package also includes assistance with obtaining a Danish CPR number, tax information, and work permits.
In MAN Energy Solutions, we strive for an inclusive and fair recruitment process for our job applicants based on equity. We encourage all qualified candidates, regardless of gender, age, religion, disability and ethnic background to apply for this position. Therefore, please refrain from attaching a photo to your CV or cover letter. Furthermore, assistive tools will be available when needed, for example for dyslexia.