2 jobannoncer
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Vil du modtage denne slags jobannoncer på mail?
People Manager for agile organization
Your daily work will evolve around engaging with your developers and ensuring their commitment and high employee satisfaction.
You will also closely collaborate with Head of Development, scrum masters and team leads to establish the best possible processes and a great work environment.
Experienced developer for data migration
You will join a strong technical team that has great autonomy and influence on system decisions and will be responsible for the migration of data from existing on-premise solutions to our new SaaS product and several of the product’s core microservices and API’s.
Vil du vise interesse for dette job?
Det er en god idé, at du opretter et CV, så virksomheden let og med det samme får en god forståelse af dig og din profil.
Det er en god idé, at du sætter dit CV online, så virksomheden let og med det samme får en god forståelse af dig og din profil.
Det er en god idé, at du opdaterer dit CV, så virksomheden let og med det samme får en god forståelse af dig og din profil.